Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the purpose of the Long Range Planning Committee?
The LRPC is a group of diverse individuals from the community tasked with studying and prioritizing the facility needs of Northwest ISD. This committee is charged with presenting facility recommendations to the Northwest ISD Board of Trustees.
2. Why is the school district working with a Long Range Planning Committee now?
Northwest ISD is one of the fastest growing school districts in the state adding more than 2,000 students each year. The district must continually evaluate facilities and support systems to determine if learning environments, equipment and infrastructure are equipped to best support the future of a growing student population.
3. How many bond elections has Northwest ISD held in the last 10 years?
Northwest ISD has held three bond elections in the last 10 years:
May 2021: Voters approved a $ 737 million bond. The 2021 bond is funding two new elementary schools, one new middle school, replacement for Seven Hills Elementary, Hatfield Elmentary, and Pike Middle School along with Addition and Renovations to Northwest High School. Also classroom additions to meet new state mandated full day pre-k, Infrastructure lifecycle replacements, middle school recreational facilities, technology devices, and safety and security access control.
May 2017: Voters approved a $399 million bond. The 2017 bond is funding three new elementary schools, expansions at several schools, land acquisition for future school sites, CTE upgrades, an aquatics center, fine arts renovations, and much more.
November 2012: Voters approved a $255 million bond. The 2012 bond allowed for construction of V.R. Eaton High School, Adams Middle School (scheduled to open in August 2017), facilities at the Outdoor Learning Center, updated technology and additions and improvements to existing facilities.
4. Where Can I find the progress from previous bond elections?
The Northwest ISD Construction Website is the best way to follow progress of construction projects across the district.
5. What is the district’s current tax rate?
A school district’s tax rate is comprised of two components: Maintenance & Operations (M&O) and Interest & Sinking (I&S). The M&O rate is used to operate the school district, including salaries, utilities, furniture, supplies, food, gasoline, etc. The I&S rate is used to pay debt from school construction bonds. Currently, Northwest ISD has a M&O tax rate of $0.92 and an I&S tax rate of $0.42 for a total tax rate of $1.34.
6. How were the Long Range Planning Committee members selected?
The Long Range Planning Committee is comprised of individuals from the community who represent the diversity and multifaceted interests within Northwest ISD, including parents, grandparents and non-parents, teachers and district staff, community leaders, business owners and more. With each member bringing a unique mindset to the table, the committee will represent the residents living within the school district reflecting the larger community values, needs and desires.
7. Am I allowed to attend meetings for the Long Range Planning Committee if I am not a committee member?
Due to a limited number of meetings and COVID-19 restrictions, committee meetings will be closed to general public.